Sunday, 26 January 2014

October 2013

Moving on swiftly, or I'll never catch up,

A busy month. Above are photographs of the tie back competition from the Regional AGM at Scarcroft. Last year each branch were given some tie backs and asked to make something out of them. The results were many and varied and Hilary's box, above in the second picture down, won the individual prize.

Below are examples of the birds finished in the two morning sessions in September and October, the bird in the tree doesn't stand out very well but a clue is that  its in the centre of the photograph. Hope they all enjoyed sitting in their Christmas trees.

The advantage of doing this blog retrospectively is that it gives chance to remind me of the really good speakers we had last year (though of course I could have just looked at the blog if it had been finished). This is Clare Lane's work, shown under the heading Urban Fabrics. I haven't taken photographs of her larger screen printed fabrics but have provided a link to her website to jog your memories.

Good, just two more months to catch up with.Don't forget, if you double click on one of the images they can be enlarged as a slide show.

September 2013

I see from the programme (which I have to refer to working so far behind the meetings) that September was a Member's Day. I hope I have this right, the afternoon session was a talk by Hilary on how she made a Christmas tree with the spokes from old umbrellas

 The cluster of birds on the top of the tree are examples of those to be made in the next two morning workshops

 Beverley also brought in examples of the work she is doing at the moment. Because I'm so far behind with the blog, I know now that she was working on ideas which would eventually be made into a Christmas card.